CIGIU Strived to Promote the Construction of National Graphite Industry E-Commerce Platform

  • View:2863
  • Data:2018-08-03 10:45:00

The leaders of Jixi visited Bohai Commodity Exchange Co., Ltd. (BOCE) on August 2 accompanied by William Liu, the Secretary General of CIGIU who arranged the visit. 

Qian Yankao, Deputy Mayor of Jixi City (second from left), Yan Dongsheng, Chairman of BOCE (middle) and William Liu, the Secretary General of CIGIU (second from right)

During the visit, William Liu, the Secretary General of CIGIU, Sun Dong, Director of Jixi High-tech Development Zone, and the business leader of Bohai Commodity Exchange specifically discussed the display classification, transaction mode and settlement rules of graphite industry on P2C industry platform.

In 2017, CIGIU and Jixi City, the “city of graphite” in China, started the preparatory work to establish the Xishi Mobao Graphite (Graphene) Commodity Trading Center in Heilongjiang Province. With the support of the national authorities, relevant local governments and member institutions, CIGIU had done a lot of basic research in Heilongjiang, Qingdao and other places, and established a detailed enterprise database of graphite mining, graphite deep processing, graphene preparation, and graphene composite materials. The purpose of establishing this e-commerce trading platform is to grasp the opportunities of industrial development and compete for the final say on graphite resource pricing and trading in China. The Modu Shopping Mall E-commerce Platform, which was jointly established by Jixi Mocheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. (member unit of CIGIU) and People’s Government of Jixi City, has been put into trial operation. Meanwhile, online cooperation agreements have been concluded between the platform and most key enterprises in the industry.

Through this visit, CIGIU hopes to introduce the P2C innovative thoughts of Bohai Commodity Exchange to Jixi to break the shackles of traditional sales, and integrate the traditional graphite industry with the advantages of “Internet +” based on the new online model supported by the P2C industry E-commerce Platform.